About me

Welcome to the other side of me. After quitting politics for good to focus on my professional work as a human resources and communications director with one of the major groups of companies in Malta, I re-discovered my passion for writing on areas close to my profession and interest. I consider this personal blog as my space, a space I willingly share with you.

My blog posts will focus on four areas of interest:


I am a keen observer of what goes on around us: in my locality, in Malta, in Europe and in the world. Many times I just notice passively without the will to comment or participate in a discussion. At other times I get frustrated at wanting to say something, anything but for various reasons kill off the urge probably because I fail to reach the appropriate medium on time. Through this blog I hope to share some thoughts on matters related to our society. Those of you expecting political commentary of a partisan nature will be disappointed. No offence. I will keep my private thoughts on certain matters solely to myself or to a restricted circle of family and friends.

People Management

Almost a decade ago I took up a job in human resources management, a sector I had worked in for a number years in the late eighties and early nineties. I was not planning to go back to this area however once I started working in it again there was no turning back really. From employment law, to training and development to perfomance management and other areas within human resounces management, HR management provides me with an opportunity to meet and get to know people at all levels and in diverse sectors. In this blog I will share with you my thoughts and experiences on different aspects of this interesting sector.

Media Review

Media and communications is another area I have worked in for a number of years. This interest extends to television, radio, social media, marketing, events, music and the arts. From time to time I will also be blogging on topics related to these sectors hoping that it will also make this blog a more interesting and colourful one.


Ma xtaqtx li jkolli din il-pjattorma u ma nippromwovix l-ilsien Malti li jien tant inħobb. Barra minn hekk xi drabi nħoss li għandi nesprimi ruħi dwar xi suġġett partikolari bl-ilsien Malti milli b’lingwa oħra. F’din is-sezzjoni għalhekk se ssib il-kitbiet tiegħi bil-Malti dwar suġġetti varji.